dilluns, 25 de gener del 2010

dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2009

One of my hobbies: Football

Footall is a very famous sport which can be played by boys and girls. There are two teams made by for 11 players and they have to score goals. I often play football with my friend and we have a team called Lleida. I play footbal on Tuesday ,Thursday and Friday, and every week I play a match versus another team of Catalonia.
The best football team in the world, in my opinion ,is football club barcelona because it plays a very good game.

Learn how to be a football trainer.

News about football

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009

My city Lleida

Lleida is the capital city of Segrià and the Boundaries of the same name. His extensive town, the largest and most populous of the region, including the decentralized municipal entities of grapes and juices.The city of Lleida is situated around a terraced hill on the right side of the river Segre. This hill is known as the Hill headquarters, the location of La Seu Vella. The city lies at 154.65 m (the gateway to New Headquarters) and 151 km far from Barcelona and 140 from Saragossa.The town of Lleida has 131,731 inhabitants (INE 2008), and is the seventh of Catalonia by population.The main engine of the economy Lleida is the services sector (77.1% of GVA 2001), followed by construction (10.6%), industry (10.1%)

This is my city , It isn't a big city but I really like because you can meet with your friends everywhere and there are a lot of activities. If you want to spend a good weekwnd come to Lleida

divendres, 20 de novembre del 2009

The song of the summer

I kissed you good bye at the airport.
I held you so close to me.
I said 'So here we are now and I can't stop from crying Lilly'.
And you said 'Hey hey hoo, you know this is the way to go
You will forget about me when I'm on that plane.
Forget about me when I'm on that plane.'

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

The plane took off and my love went with it.
The chilly wind whipped my both cheeks hard.
And the man next to me said 'Everything is gonna be alright'.
I said 'Nothing is gonna be alright, but thank you anyway'.
And then I saw your face in the airplane window.
I waved my hands and I shouted to you:

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

I wore a T-shirt and my worn out hat.
Abandoned as a summer cat.
And as I stood there as a broken hearted I realized you got the car keys still.
So I broke into my own old car.
I fell asleep on the passenger seat.
I dreamed of summer sex with you and you whispered in my ear:

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight
Why can't you leave me tomorrow instead?
Why can't you leave me tomorrow instead?

And above the clouds she said to her self 'I can't believe how naive a man can be.
That's why I love you so and that's why I can't be with you…'

Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you Tonight tonight tonight tonight
I wanna be with you tonight

And I 've got the same song in catalan:

Et vaig besar adéu a l'aeroport.
Vaig tenir tan a prop de mi.
Li vaig dir: 'Així que aquí estem ara i no puc parar de plorar Lilly'.
I vostè va dir: 'Hey hey Hoo, saps que això és el camí a seguir.
Us oblidarà de mi quan estic en aquest avió. Oblida't de mi quan estic en aquest avió.

Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Vull estar amb vostès aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit Vull estar amb tu aquesta nit
L'avió va enlairar i el meu amor se'n va anar amb ell.
El vent fred va assotar al meu les dues galtes dur.
I l'home al meu costat va dir: "Tot va a estar bé". Li vaig dir: 'Res va a estar bé, però gràcies de totes formes ". I llavors vaig veure la seva cara a la finestra de l'avió.
Vaig saludar les meves mans i em va cridar a vostè: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Vull estar amb vostès aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit Vull estar amb tu aquesta nit Portava una samarreta i el meu gastat barret.
Abandonat com un gat d'estiu.
I com jo hi era com un cor trencat em vaig adonar que tens les claus del cotxe encara. Així que van irrompre en el meu vell cotxe propi.
Em vaig quedar dormit al seient del passatger. Jo somiava amb el sexe d'estiu amb vostè i vostè em va xiuxiuejar a cau d'orella: Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Vull estar amb vostès aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit
Vull estar amb tu aquesta nit Per què no em deixes matí al seu lloc? I per sobre de les núvols, li va dir a la seva auto "No puc creure el ingènua que un home pot ser.
És per això que T'estimo així i per això no puc estar amb vosaltres ... ' Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight Vull estar amb vostès aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit aquesta nit
Vull estar amb tu aquesta nit

dilluns, 9 de novembre del 2009

My favourite actress

De Armas entered in the National Theater School of Cuba. His first film success came with "Una rosa de Francia", who starred with Alex Gonzalez, with just 16 years old. Later he appeared in other films as "Madrigal" and soap operas like "El último Edén".
His consecration on the small screen came from the hand of the hit TV series "El Internado" from Antena3 in 2007 in which she works playing Carolina Leal and where she shares cast with actors like Yon Gonzalez (Ivan), Martin Rivas (Marcos) and Elena Furiase (Victoria), among others. Also, she made her film debut acting in the film "Canción de amor en el Lolita's Club" alongside actor Eduardo Noruega and "Mentiras y gordas" (2009).
She appeared on the cover of the Spanish edition of FHM magazine in April 2008